This section will contain annotated R code along with worked out examples. If time permits, I will also include videos of me life-coding, so you can see me making programming mistakes in real time!
Useful resources for learning R, the tidyverse and Rmarkdown basics include
---title: "Examples"---This section will contain annotated **R** code along with worked out examples. If time permits, I will also include videos of me life-coding, so you can see me making programming mistakes in real time!Useful resources for learning **R**, the `tidyverse` and Rmarkdown basics include- The [Introduction to **R** and RStudio]( by Open Intro Stat- [Teacups, giraffes & statistics]( basic statistical concepts and programming- the notebook [**RYouWithMe** from R-Ladies Sydney]( the book [**R** for Data Science](, which adheres to the `tidyverse` principles.- the **R** package [DoSStoolkit](, developped at the University of Toronto.- the [`introverse`]( documentation.- the [RStudio cheatsheets](, also available from RStudio menu in Help > Cheat Sheets- Norman Matloff's [*Fast Lane to Learning R!*]( install all **R** packages used throughout the course, use the command```{r, eval=FALSE, echo=TRUE}libs <- c("afex", "car", "dplyr", "emmeans", "effectsize", "ggplot2", "lme4", "lmerTest", "mediation", "nlme", "patchwork", "pwr", "remotes", "tidyr", "WebPower")for(lib in libs){ if(!lib %in% installed.packages()[,"Package"]){ install.packages(lib) }}# Load package containing databasesremotes::install_github("lbelzile/hecedsm")```